Today was once again “Food Day” in our  department. I love these food-days, and these guys here have it atleast once every quarter. The food-day is a pre-decided day, where everyone in the department brings in some item of food, and its all laid out on a conference room table. And the food items start coming in from the morning itself !

The food that is brought does not have to be cooked by you  … of course, it could be cooked by you (or by your spouse/partner) or it could have been cooked by a friend who was ready to help out (?) , or it could be something you bought — bought from that special Japanese restaurant which you like, or just 2 large pizzas from Pizza Hut. If nothing, just go to the nearby store and get some Black-forest cake (like I did today) or a box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates

Its Friday, I have filled myself upto my neck with all that good food, and its now time to head home.  Have a nice weekend !